Why Support the Green Party
Which political party to support is of course up to each citizen to decide. But if you answer yes to most of the questions below, you are probably closer to the Greens than to the mainstream political parties.
- Are you worried about climate change and the impact of human actions on the environment?
The Green Party is focused on environmental issues. It advocates more environmentally friendly economy and sustainable society. The Greens see a solution in the support of green businesses and heavy taxes for environmentally damaging industries. Green politics also foresees financial support for citizens who want to make their homes and lifestyle greener, but cannot afford to switch to environmentally friendly technologies. The latest project is to convert disused homes in the South East into eco friendly holiday cottages.
- Do you support social justice?
Although the Greens are often marked as socialists and even communists, they are simply fighting against discrimination on the basis of a person’s income as well as ethnicity, gender, religion, culture and other factors that make us different but do not determine who we are as persons. Social justice is not about taking the rich and giving to the poor but it is about equal opportunities. A child that is born to low-income family should not be denied an access to quality education, health care and housing just because his/her parents are poor.
- Do you oppose war and violence?
Promotion of nonviolence and peaceful resolution of conflicts are the very core of Green politics. The Greens see an alternative in promotion of democracy, dialogue, human rights and respect of diversity which in turn promote a peaceful coexistence and mutual respect.
- Do you think that people should have more influence on policy making?
Democracy and democratic political system are based on inclusion of people in decision making. In practice, however, the citizens have little influence on how political decisions are made and how they are implemented. The Green Party advocates greater inclusion of the population in policy making by transferring decision making when possible and feasible from the state to the local and regional levels. The Greens are convinced that local communities know best what is good from them.
- Do you feel that the Government is not doing enough to reduce carbon emissions and conserve the environment?
The mainstream parties that form the Government have made important steps in reducing the country’s carbon footprint and the impact of human activities on the environment. Many including the Greens, however, are convinced that the changes in the environmental politics are taking place too slowly and that we do not have time for gradual transition to environmentally sustainable society and economy. The Greens also oppose the Government’s plan to retain nuclear power and open new reactors as one of the alternatives to fossil fuels.